At Cariss Printing we know print and graphic design like the back of our hand. But we realise that there's a lot of lingo and processes that we in the industry take for granted. We want to answer as many questions as we can to allow things to run as smoothly as possible. If we haven't answered your question please contact us.
FAQ 1: What Is Offset Printing?
Offset Printing is a print process where ink is transferred (or offset) from a plate, onto a surface such as a blanket roller and finally applied to the paper. It is ideal for larger print quantities and when you need superior quality with flexible colour, paper and sizing options.
Despite advancements in technology and the emergence of digital print NOTHING can beat the quality of offset print. It consistently produces the BEST print image quality. If you need or want a special paper, special finishing, or unique size, offset printing offers the most flexibility.
In terms of pricing, basically the cost of offset printing goes down per unit as the quantity goes up. Advances in technology, like computer-to-plate systems, mean that the previously slow and costly process of using offset printing has been minimised.
You may be surprised at the point at which offset printing becomes competitive in terms of quantity. You do not need to be producing thousands of copies.
FAQ 2: What is Digital Printing?
Digital Printing is print that is produced on a specialist digital press which uses toner instead of ink and does not use any form of printing plates. The main advantage is that the set-up costs are low so print runs can be as little as single quantities.
Obviously offset printing is not suitable for every job and we use a trusted local digital partner who we demand gives our clients the best digital print product on the market.
FAQ 3: Can you help if I’ve got an URGENT job to print or tight deadline to meet?
Yes, we can definitely help! But PLEASE contact us as early as possible and be upfront with your timeline. We have excellent resources to get your job done quickly but we do need you to work with us to make things happen fast. Factors such as files not being provided in the correct format can really hold things up, as well as the obvious delays in artwork provision or late changes at your end. Take our advice – don’t let the printer be the last one to know about your deadline. Talk to us early and we will make allowances in our schedule ahead of time. Read more about How to handle a Rushed Order.
FAQ 4: What is Variable Data Printing?
Variable data printing uses special software that allows you to personalise your printed products and acknowledge your customers as individuals.
You can personalise anything from envelopes, greeting cards, special offers, newsletters... and more.
FAQ 5: What artwork or design services do you provide?
Our graphic design team can work with you on any project. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer just wanting something pulled together to be print ready. Or perhaps you’re starting from scratch and need everything from logo design to your first business card. And everything in between.
FAQ 6: Which file formats do you accept?
Please refer to our Artwork Specs page for our preferred formats.
FAQ 7: Can I send my order via email?
Of course you can. You can email us directly with the files attached to info@carissprinting.com.au or use the file upload facility. We also accept files on disk (CD, DVD or memory card) in the mail or by courier.
FAQ 8: Is it possible to order a re-print of a previous job?
Definitely. If there are no changes just email or call through the details of the job and production will get underway.
FAQ 9: Will I see a proof before you start my project?
Yes, definitely. This is standard practice at Cariss Printing. A hard or soft copy proof, depending on the requirements of your job will be produced.
Some tips for checking your proofs:
- Are all measurements correct?
- Check all page numbers are correct and in the right position.
- Does it fold correctly? In this instance we recommend a hard copy proof (particularly if there are multiple pages).
- Are your photographs and graphics placed correctly?
- Are you satisfied with the quality and colour of your images?
- Proof read, proof read and do a final proof read. Check your copy thoroughly for any mistakes. Check all phone numbers, addresses, email and website addresses. Get someone else to run their eyes over it.
FAQ 10: What payment methods are accepted?
- Credit card – VISA and Mastercard only
- Direct deposit – details can be found on your invoice
- Cheque payable to Cariss Printing
- Cash
Our payment terms are 14 days unless otherwise negotiated prior to production.
FAQ 11: Where do you deliver and can you deliver to multiple locations?
We can deliver Australia wide. If you are in metro Melbourne sometimes you can even expect personal delivery as we like to meet as many of our clients as we can face to face. Pick-up can also be arranged if this is convenient for you.
In regards to delivery in multiple locations – yes we can. Let us know what quantities need to go where and it will be done, no problems.
Contact us for a postage quote.
FAQ 12: What is the difference between CMYK and RGB?
Full colour printing is done using four colours of ink called CMYK.
C is Cyan (blue), M is Magenta (red), Y is Yellow and K is Black.
By contrast, computer monitors use a different colour model called RGB.
R is Red, G is Green and B is Blue.
Because the colour models differ what you see on the computer monitor isn’t necessarily what you would get once printed. It will be similar but rarely an exact match. This is why it is important to request a proof to make sure you’re happy with everything, including colour.
When providing files for print all files should be saved in CYMK mode. Please refer to our Artwork Specs page for more details.
FAQ 13: GSM - What exactly does this mean?
GSM = Grams per Square Metre.
Basically GSM is a measure of the weight or thickness of the paper stock. For different print jobs you will need to consider different GSM weights. For example we recommend 350GSM for business cards as they need a heavier stock to withstand the rigors of being passed around and stored in peoples wallets. Flyers and posters use a lower GSM stock. Letterheads must be lower GSM in order to feed through most desktop printers so GSM can be important for different reasons.
FAQ 14: What is ‘gang printing’ and do you do that?
‘Gang Printing’ or a ‘Gang run’ is where your project is put on a press with many other jobs at the same time (on the same sheet). Colour quality control is compromised within each job, also making it difficult to get the same colour when you do your reprint or when you want colour consistency across your range of printed materials.
And NO we do not do this. Because we promote ourselves as having the best quality we simply cannot afford such practices – we wouldn’t be able to meet our internal quality control standards let alone the expectations of our clients.
FAQ 15: Are you able to provide any references?
Absolutely! All of the testimonials on our website have the contact details of the people who provided them so you can feel free to make contact with any of them. If you are looking for a particular type of reference for a client who does similar work or volumes to you then contact us direct and we will put you in touch with someone suitable.
FAQ 16: Can you send me a sample pack?
We thought you’d never ask! We can definitely put together a package for you. If you have any particular requests for types of products you’d like to see then let us know. Otherwise we’ll put our standard pack in the mail for you so you can see the quality for yourself. Click here to request your Free Print Sample Pack .
FAQ 17: Do you offer any special finishes or specialty stock?
Sure do. Specialty finishes like metallic silver or gold can be produced but can take a little longer than usual turnaround times. We also offer embossing and UV coating and there is a range of textured and specialty stocks to choose from. You might also be interested in the various forme cuts that can make your job unique. Please visit our special finishes, forme cutting and specialty stock pages for more information.
FAQ 18: Why should I use Cariss Printing compared to one of the big online printing companies?
Cariss Printing doesn’t claim to offer what the big online printing companies do – it is the last thing we actually want our business to be.
If you’re just after the cheapest price, and quality and service are much lower priorities for you, then online print shops certainly have you covered. That’s not to say there isn’t an enormous benefit in using online. But it pays to know the difference between an online print shop and a bricks and mortar business that allows you to communicate with them online. You want the convenience of online communication with the flexibility and service of dealing with real people. Not to mention dealing with the actual manufacturers rather than a middle man.
We also frequently travel to meet with prospective and existing clients & any relevant stakeholders to discuss upcoming projects and tenders. We also welcome you to attend Cariss Printing to see our facilities or perhaps for a press approval for a big job. You simply won’t get that from an online printer, or many other print providers for that matter.
FAQ 19: I'm not ready to buy yet but I'd like to stay in touch
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You might also want to browse the Cariss Printing site a little more for ideas for upcoming print projects you might be considering for your business.